“In The Mud & Mire”

I feel the weight of the world. Anytime I think, I feel the weight of humanity on that thought. I look out into the world and feel sad at what I see. I feel discouraged at the state of society. But it’s not a regular sadness or discouragement. It’s magnitude goes deep. The level of... Continue Reading →

Fighting God

"When we live in a society that feeds us lies, and creates generations hidden behind filters, it becomes hard to see the truth as a possibility or even hard to know that what we are believing is a lie..." click the link to read more

Deconstructing Faith?

So many people are deconstructing their faith or leaving it altogether lately. I've heard so many podcasts and seen interviews on YouTube with people talking about how they left the faith because it was too brainwashing....

The War Over Our Souls

Before we go any further we need to first understand that there is a price on our heads.Our greatest enemy, satan, wants nothing more than to see us fall and stay down till it is too late to do anything about it.And the Creator of the Universe, the One Who created us into existence, GOD,... Continue Reading →

Struggling with Prayer

Finding time to pray feels harder and harder to do these days. Life gets busy. I don't even know why I have to pray, can't God read my thoughts? If you've ever said any of this, read this article.

Why Hard Things..?

I'm sure we've all heard people say when you get something you didn't necessarily work for you tend to not appreciate it. As I sit here and read Deuteronomy 7:21-24 this very thing comes to mind. I know so often I have prayed for God to give me patience, to give me boldness, to help... Continue Reading →

Faith or Fear

It’s hard to look around these days and not be exposed to fear, panic, and confusion. Whether it be from the media, others or even ourselves. Grant it, there is so much going on in the world today that can reasonably, insight fear. However, seeing so many run around in a panic, in a constant... Continue Reading →

A Letter to the Church

Dear Church, If our spiritual eyes were open to any degree than we could obviously see that the state of the Church as a whole is in some trouble. We can also tell that there is definitely not a shortage of people out there ready to "tell it like it is". Which is not necessarily... Continue Reading →

When Our Past Tries To Keep Us From Holiness

"It's hard for a lot of people to completely walk away from their old lives when they step into a relationship with God. We tend to constantly remember all the bad things we've done and we deny the grace Christ extends to us. We make it about us being unworthy of such grace and love. Sometimes we make it about the impossibility of God actually wiping our slate clean and truly forgetting."

When The Bible Sounds Confusing

Have you ever been reading something in the Bible and thought to yourself, "what am I reading?!". No? Just me? This is why it is so vitally important that before we begin reading the Word of God, the diary He has blessed us with reading daily in the comfort of our homes, we must pray.... Continue Reading →

Perfection Is A Lie!

I don't know how many times I've heard people say that because someone is a Christian then they shouldn't feel certain things anymore. Like if being a Christian exempts us from hurt, from the offense, from sadness. Too many people seem to have this false idea of what a Christian is like. We are to... Continue Reading →

Stop Talking Yourself Out of It!

Do you ever feel less than? Unworthy of doing the things you feel in your heart to do? Do you ever think of yourself as crazy or silly for even thinking you were capable of dreaming such things? Like the person you have in your mind is not the person everyone sees today? Like if... Continue Reading →

Is It Me Or The Enemy?

We have all heard of the devil. He has been talked about, taught about, preached on, and written about. As Christians he is our #1 enemy and coming into relationship with Jesus brings his attacks into the front line of battle with us. However, he is not the only reason Christians struggle. As hard as... Continue Reading →

Where Is The Love?

My heart hurts for all those beautiful children out there who have parents who don't really pay them any real attention. All those kids yelling for attention, screaming for affection, crying for love. All those kids who want a parent who will hug them when they cry and listen to their hurting heart. Kids who... Continue Reading →

What’s Your Battle Strategy?

I think it is so amazing how the Holy Spirit is constantly speaking to our hearts. It is something that is easy to overlook and not even know its happening. God gives us clues, He sends signs and help to our rescue. The question here is are you intuned? Do you believe in coincidences? I... Continue Reading →

All About Me

I end this relationship series discussing the main reason we struggle in our walk to righteousness; ourselves. What kind of relationship do you have with yourself? I know this subject is big business in today's day; 'self-help, self-love, minds-eye-visualization to a better you'. We read books about how to love ourselves better, how to talk... Continue Reading →

The Struggle Is Real…

I know a lot of people who get so confused and apprehensive with this word, sin, what is sin? Anything and everything that goes against the life God has planned for you to walk in. I heard on a podcast the other day mention something that really got my mind turning, "what if when we... Continue Reading →

Talking With God

PRAYER I know far too often people make prayer out to be this big intricate spectacle when really it's simply you talking with God. A Conversation What do we usually do when we find ourselves in a dramatic or stressful situation? We call a close friend or our spouse and begin to lay it out... Continue Reading →

The Word

Have you ever notice that the people who argue the Bible the most are usually ones who have never read it..? It's become such a popular trend to question the validity of the Word and its accuracy. These are understandable things to have questions about. The thing that changes it from a reasonable question to... Continue Reading →

God, Who??

I don't know how many people who believe in God and those who haven't even fully stepped into "that life" yet, struggle with making sense of Who God is. I, however, know the struggle all too well. I grew up in the church and when you grow up in the church you live this life... Continue Reading →

Getting Along With Others

Continuing the Relationship Series with our love for others... We interact with other people daily. We see them at grocery stores and coffee shops, they serve us food at restaurants, they work with us, we drive alongside them. Other people are everywhere, duh right? So.. needless to say that the way we interact with them... Continue Reading →

For The Love Of Family

Relationships, The Series... We are all human and can all agree that the human experience is built around relationships. We are relational creatures and we were not intended to be alone. I think it is also safe to say that the majority of our "drama" in life starts with a relationship be it intimate or... Continue Reading →

God’s In My Despair

There are so many opportunities to sink into a deep depression or negative-state-of-mind in this world. Not only do we have to worry about politics and things going on with the world itself, such as pollution, global warming, nuclear threats, but we also have so many interpersonal and very very personal issues to deal with.... Continue Reading →

Creating In Faith

Can you imagine if the apostles decided to put off writing the scriptures? What if they would've heard God and decided to push that thought to the back of their minds? I'm sure God would've used someone else because the plan must go on. But it would not have been the same though. In their... Continue Reading →

When Fear Sneaks In

Have you ever been so overcome by something that all hope completely abandons you and faith doesn't seem like enough? It was about a little over a week ago, everything was going great. I had my bible time, my prayer time, my worship music constantly playing in the background. I would say my relationship with... Continue Reading →

Fighting The Enemy

Ephesians 6:12 "For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." The spiritual realm is real. This is something that is not emphasized enough. God is powerful and real and the... Continue Reading →

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